
Can this treatment fix my damaged lungs?

May 28, 2024

After my first round of chemo, my IG levels – a key immune function – were depleted. What could I do to keep from getting lung infections?

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Can quantum mechanics save my failing body?

May 14, 2024

Lately, it feels like my body is falling apart. I’m ready for a trade-in. Same brain, but how about a new body?

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Where are our Jewish space lasers?

February 10, 2024

If Hezbollah goes to war with Israel, we’re going to need an entirely new kind of weapon. Like when Marjorie Taylor Greene said we have “Jewish Space Lasers.”

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Foreskin’s lament: Should Jewish males be circumcised?

October 6, 2023

I’m circumcised. So are all the men in my family. We’re Jews. That’s what we do. But have we made a terrible mistake?

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Apple’s new Vision Pro: The dawn of screen-less computing

July 2, 2023

Apple is positioning its new Vision Pro more as a productivity device than a new piece of hardware on which to play games.

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Tipping has gotten weird

June 4, 2023

Tipping in the 21st century has gotten weird. I grew up with a simple formula: Did a service provider improve your experience? Then leave a tip.

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The demise of Better Place – is it in a “better place” 10 years later?

May 21, 2023

On May 26, 2013, a decade ago next week, Israeli electric car startup Better Place went to a better place, figuratively if not literally.

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Spraying away Covid and the flu

March 12, 2023

Large tech conferences are ideal for networking with colleagues. You know what else likes to network at large conferences? Viruses.

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Top Tech Trends for 2023

February 28, 2023

I look forward every year to when Stav Erez and Eli Nir present their predictions for the top tech trends of the year at the annual OurCrowds Summit.

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Will technology make Jewish Law irrelevant?

January 29, 2023

Will technology make halacha irrelevant? That was the question Prof. Moshe Koppel posed during a recent lecture.

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