
The Eternal Optimist

November 1, 2010

My wife Jody recently attended her 30-year high school reunion in California. She remarked on her return to Israel how at the 10-year reunion, everyone was still in high school party mode. At 20 years, her friends were all talking about their families and careers. At her 30th, many of the attendees had gone through […]

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“And Twice the Marrow of Her Bones”

October 13, 2010

UPDATE: Sara has renewed posting to her blog under the name “Loving, Losing and Living.” She will be focusing in particular on the theme of resilience – how we go on in the face even of unspeakable tragedy. Last week I attended a book launch and reading by Sara Avitzour, a friend who has written […]

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Memorial for Walter Blum – Pitchu Li

May 5, 2010

(תהילים קי”×—, ×™”ט) This is the second in a series of posts from the memorial for my father, Walter Blum, who passed away last year. The event mixed music and humanistic interpretations of Jewish texts to try to share what my father was like and what he was passionate about. ——————————— The words for the […]

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Memorial for Walter Blum

April 27, 2010

My father, Walter Blum, died a year ago on March 22 of lymphoma. At the time, I wrote on this blog about my difficulties saying the traditional Kaddish prayer and how I planned to formulate a series of alternative “events” to honor my father in a manner that I hope he would have appreciated and […]

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