War with Hezbollah

“Dissident dialogues” pits pro- and anti-Israel pundits against each other

June 30, 2024

To understand why the world seems to have erupted in antisemitic rhetoric after October 7, listen to this debate from “Dissident Dialogues.”

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A Saudi “day after” plan for Gaza

June 17, 2024

Israel is losing the war with Hamas in Gaza. But there’s a way out. The answer lies to the east – in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

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Where are our Jewish space lasers?

February 10, 2024

If Hezbollah goes to war with Israel, we’re going to need an entirely new kind of weapon. Like when Marjorie Taylor Greene said we have “Jewish Space Lasers.”

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About that Baka boom

May 28, 2018

I was in the shower when it happened: a boom louder than any I’ve heard since the suicide bomb at Café Hillel on Emek Refaim Street in 2003.

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Blogging the War: The “Next” War

August 18, 2006

This article was posted on Jewish.com on Thursday, August 17, 2006. The link is here.Ceasefire brings temporary calm as Israel, U.S. prepare for next conflict.     With a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah still holding, however tentatively, and Israelis returning to their homes in the north, the politicians and historians are already hard at […]

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Blogging the War: “Survivor Day” – Camping in Israel is No Reality Show

August 14, 2006

This article was posted on Jewish.com on Sunday, August 13, 2006. The link is here. Parenting is never easy…even more so when you’re dealing with comforting your child during a missile attack.  It was supposed to be the highlight of camp: “Survivor Day.” Inspired by the TV show of the same name, the campers arose […]

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Blogging the War: War Without Miracles

August 11, 2006

This article was posted on Jewish.com on Thursday, August 10, 2006. The link is here.Where are the miracles of Entebbe and the Six Day War in the current conflict with Hezbollah?   After 29 days of fighting, Israel is slowly winning the war against Hezbollah. There’s still a lot of work to be done and […]

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“Blogging the War” eBook

August 7, 2006

Interest has been so high in my “Blogging the War” posts that I’ve put together an eBook that I’m making available at no cost. Simply right click on the file you see below under “Attachments” called “This Normal Life – Blogging the War” and choose “Save Link As…” (in Firefox) or “Save Target As…” (in […]

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Blogging the War: Too Close for Comfort

August 7, 2006

This article was posted on Jewish.com on Sunday, August 6, 2006. The link is here. Missile lands ten minutes from my daughter’s camp. Last week I wrote that my 12-year-old daughter, Merav, was scheduled to depart for two weeks of camp at Kibbutz Shluchot, just south of the town of Bet Shean in the northern […]

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Blogging the War: Israel-Hezbollah War Given Jewish Historical Name

August 4, 2006

This article was posted on Jewish.com on Thursday, August 3, 2006. The link is here.Will the now “official” name of the war stick?     Last week, I suggested several possible names for the war in which Israel is currently embroiled with Hezbollah in the north. Those included the ironic “War of Disillusionment” and “The […]

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