
A Saudi “day after” plan for Gaza

June 17, 2024

Israel is losing the war with Hamas in Gaza. But there’s a way out. The answer lies to the east – in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

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Where’s the antisemitism?

April 6, 2024

Our family recently spent two weeks in the U.S. So, you’re probably wondering whether we experienced any of the antisemitism that’s been reported.

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My vote for Jerusalem city council

February 25, 2024

Elections are coming up in Jerusalem this week. Here’s who I’m voting for: The Jerusalem Union, headed by Yossi Havilio.

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First-hand report of antisemitism at The New School

January 27, 2024

Jonathan Telsin, a 21-year-old trumpet player from Tel Aviv, has been living in New York City where he’s studying jazz at The New School. Then Oct. 7 happened.

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I was that guy

January 13, 2024

We’ve all seen that person. The one who feels unwell at a concert or a public event. On a recent Shabbat, I was the guy on the floor.

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War and new life

December 31, 2023

A story about war and grandparenting as we welcome into the world our granddaughter Roni Maayan, born to Merav and Gabe.

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November 19, 2023

“Betrayal.” That’s how Shimrit Meir described her feelings following the surge of antisemitic speeches, letters, marches and violence since October 7.

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August 13, 2023

For 31 weeks straight, protesters have been chanting “busha!” – embarrassment. Mostly, we yelled “busha” at the govt. Now it’s me that’s embarrassed – for my country.

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Was Maimonides high or just perplexed?

July 16, 2023

Was Moses Ben Maimon, the famous Middle Eastern doctor/rabbi known as the Rambam (RMBM), high when he wrote The Guide to the Perplexed? Judging by how he interpreted some of the most provocative stories in the Torah, that would certainly seem a possibility. How else to explain the RMBM’s branding of Abraham’s binding of Isaac as, essentially, […]

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What does freedom mean to you?

April 14, 2023

The protests that have roiled Israel for months have been all about “dem-o-cra-tia.” Isn’t that another way of saying “freedom?”

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