
Top Tech Trends for 2023

February 28, 2023

I look forward every year to when Stav Erez and Eli Nir present their predictions for the top tech trends of the year at the annual OurCrowds Summit.

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Will technology make Jewish Law irrelevant?

January 29, 2023

Will technology make halacha irrelevant? That was the question Prof. Moshe Koppel posed during a recent lecture.

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Focusing on the core vs. the edge

July 17, 2022

As I lay on the operating room table, I began to shake uncontrollably. I was about to undergo eye surgery. What could possibly go wrong?

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Can electric cars cure climate change…or will they make it worse?

June 19, 2022

In 2012, when we bought our Better Place car, we were EV enthusiastic. A decade later, our enthusiasm has started to lose its charge.

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Zoom means it’s time to minimize

April 25, 2021

It was Zoom that finally pushed me to minimize. With work shifted to virtual, my computer’s camera revealed a lot of clutter. Tips for cleaning.

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What I learned from Facebook about God

June 10, 2019

How a Facebook conspiracy theory helped me understand why some people, when confronted with cosmic questions like the Big Bang, say “God made it.”

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The scam

April 14, 2019

Why was someone impersonating me on the Internet? And why were complete strangers writing to me on Facebook suggesting I call the FBI?

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Secrets of the Startup Nation

February 5, 2018

How did Israel become the Startup Nation? Here are five new reasons.

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Rosh Hashana resolution: breaking my Facebook addiction

September 29, 2017

The period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur presents an opportunity to reflect on how the last year went and what we could do better in the year to come. In that spirit, I need to come clean: I’ve got an addiction problem … to social media. Sure, we all are hooked on Facebook and […]

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Are we on the brink of a smartphone-induced mental-health crisis?

August 27, 2017

Pet peeve: the light shining from people’s smart phones at a concert or movie. I can’t concentrate. It’s rude. Is a mental health crisis coming?

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