
The Einstein Effect

July 14, 2024

With 20 million followers, Albert Einstein is the most popular dead celebrity on Facebook. A new book tells how Einstein got so popular.

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Apple’s new Vision Pro: The dawn of screen-less computing

July 2, 2023

Apple is positioning its new Vision Pro more as a productivity device than a new piece of hardware on which to play games.

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Spraying away Covid and the flu

March 12, 2023

Large tech conferences are ideal for networking with colleagues. You know what else likes to network at large conferences? Viruses.

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Top Tech Trends for 2023

February 28, 2023

I look forward every year to when Stav Erez and Eli Nir present their predictions for the top tech trends of the year at the annual OurCrowds Summit.

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The woke antisemitism of “You People”

February 12, 2023

The new Netflix film “You People” plays like a primer on how to be a self-hating Jew in America today.

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Charmed in Sharm

January 7, 2023

In 2005, my family and I spent a week touring Egypt. We hid our Israeli identity. We recently spent 5 days in the Sinai. What a difference.

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50 shades of chutzpah

August 18, 2022

When our hotel canceled us at the last minute, I demanded an upgrade. Was that Israeli chutzpah or just being assertive. (It worked.)

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Dreaming of Dubai

May 8, 2022

Reflections on four days in Dubai: Miracle Garden, Expo 2020, Global Village, Butterfly Garden, Desert Safari, Dubai Marina, Burj Khalifa

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Israeli TV for my mom

February 28, 2022

My mother loves Israeli TV. She looks to me, her son in the Holy Land, for advice. So here are my top Israeli TV picks for mom.

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Bari Weiss is my hero

January 15, 2022

Bari Weiss’s political outlook is not one with which I normally identify. But the more I’ve been reading her newsletter, the more I find myself nodding in agreement.

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