
Tuesday tiyulim and Wednesday walks: Prescription for a pandemic

January 31, 2021

With international travel off the table for the last year, Jody and I have been exploring what’s closer to home. 8 short treks near Jerusalem.

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Emek Tzurim Park: a Hidden Treasure in Jerusalem

April 17, 2012

File this one in the “who knew?” department. During the intermediary days of Passover, my wife and I had the opportunity to join a guided tour through the Tzurim Valley that begins at the Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew University and ends at the Dung Gate entrance to the Old City, opposite the Western Wall. The route […]

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Aviv’s Bar Mitzvah Blog Chronicles our Trip to Nepal

July 28, 2011

This week, instead of my usual post, I’d like to point your attention to Aviv’s bar mitvah blog. You may have already been reading it – in the year leading up to his bar mitzvah, we undertook 12 tiyulim (hikes) all over Israel and Aviv blogged about each one. Aviv’s blogs are both a straightforward […]

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War Over the Airwaves in Eilat

December 16, 2010

In 1947, the U.N. partition plan designated the sleepy port of Eilat as the southernmost tip of the new Jewish state. It wasn’t until the final days of the War of Independence, however, when Israel took control of the town in an operation that surprised the small platoon of Jordanian troops stationed in mud huts […]

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A Prickly Suprise

December 1, 2010

They looked so ripe and delicious. How were we to know that eating sabra fruit in the wild is an adventure intended only for the foolish – animal, human or otherwise? We were in the middle of another wonderful family tiyul in Israel. This one started at Mitzpe Missua, a look out point at the […]

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