
I was that guy

January 13, 2024

We’ve all seen that person. The one who feels unwell at a concert or a public event. On a recent Shabbat, I was the guy on the floor.

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With Covid, how many antibodies are enough?

March 13, 2022

If you’re immunocompromised, would you rather know what your anti-Covid antibody levels are, or would you rather “act as if” they’re fine?

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I never want to get sick…ever again

January 2, 2022

Covid, the flu, the common cold…I never want to get sick ever again. Which is completely unrealistic. It goes against what it means to be human

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Good news, bad news or no news?

December 22, 2019

“Avoidance is a simple way of coping by not having to cope.” The science behind why we avoid bad news and whether that’s a good coping strategy.

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Running simulations

October 26, 2019

Dwelling on worst-case scenarios can be crazy making. But spinning simulations is also essential to being human, says Prof. Moshe Bar.

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Flunking out of blood school

July 21, 2019

I flunked out of blood school last week. I wasn’t expelled exactly, but my scores dropped significantly enough that I was put on probation.

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Lessons from lymphoma

February 25, 2018

To her great credit, my doctor never used the word cancer. “You have a growth on your lymph nodes,” she said at the start of a 45-minute conversation. “It’s indolent” – linguistically idle or, in medical terms, slow growing.” “It’s the lowest grade of the least aggressive form of lymphoma.” Yet, no matter how she […]

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