
Can electric cars cure climate change…or will they make it worse?

June 19, 2022

In 2012, when we bought our Better Place car, we were EV enthusiastic. A decade later, our enthusiasm has started to lose its charge.

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Would you give up on orgasm?

June 6, 2022

Does giving pre-teens puberty blockers constitute child abuse? Can a nine-year-old choose to give up on something as fundamental as sexual pleasure?

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I got Covid. Paxlovid saved my life

April 10, 2022

After taking extreme precautions for over two years, I finally caught Covid. I was able to receive Pfizer’s Paxlovid pills. Did they save my life?

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With Covid, how many antibodies are enough?

March 13, 2022

If you’re immunocompromised, would you rather know what your anti-Covid antibody levels are, or would you rather “act as if” they’re fine?

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Playing Space Invaders with my eyes

February 14, 2022

Dr. Scott Geller is playing Space Invaders with my vision, aiming a high powered laser beam into my eyes to “pulverize” my floaters.

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Is Covid spinning up our reptilian brains?

January 30, 2022

The pandemic has switched on our reptilian brains at the expense of our more mammalian, social ones. Can Polyvagel Theory help us get out of culture of distrust?

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I never want to get sick…ever again

January 2, 2022

Covid, the flu, the common cold…I never want to get sick ever again. Which is completely unrealistic. It goes against what it means to be human

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Dysmorphia of the social body

October 24, 2021

“Body dysmorphic disorder” is real. But metaphorical religious, political and science “dysmorphias” affect not only the physical but the social body.

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Science denial and the wellness industry

October 10, 2021

Why are so many in the wellness industry opposed to basic science? Blame it on Louise Hay who proposed our thoughts create our physical reality

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11 ways to distinguish real from fake pandemic news

September 26, 2021

Amidst a torrent of pandemic misinformation, I’ve compiled a list of 11 ways to distinguish between real and fake pandemic news. Essential reading in confusing times!

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