Demography is not destiny

July 30, 2023

Is the inexorable growth of the religious population in Israel a destiny that will lead to a economically and militarily failed state?

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Was Maimonides high or just perplexed?

July 16, 2023

Was Moses Ben Maimon, the famous Middle Eastern doctor/rabbi known as the Rambam (RMBM), high when he wrote The Guide to the Perplexed? Judging by how he interpreted some of the most provocative stories in the Torah, that would certainly seem a possibility. How else to explain the RMBM’s branding of Abraham’s binding of Isaac as, essentially, […]

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Apple’s new Vision Pro: The dawn of screen-less computing

July 2, 2023

Apple is positioning its new Vision Pro more as a productivity device than a new piece of hardware on which to play games.

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22 mantras you can use today

June 16, 2023

I’m a big fan of mantras. They can help turn around a sour mood or smooth a confusing interaction. Here are 22 positive affirmations you can use.

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Tipping has gotten weird

June 4, 2023

Tipping in the 21st century has gotten weird. I grew up with a simple formula: Did a service provider improve your experience? Then leave a tip.

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The demise of Better Place – is it in a “better place” 10 years later?

May 21, 2023

On May 26, 2013, a decade ago next week, Israeli electric car startup Better Place went to a better place, figuratively if not literally.

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From bother to benefit

May 7, 2023

“You have to put up with some bother in order to reap the benefits,” my therapist cautioned me just prior to our two-week excursion in Ecuador. What he meant was that everything involves some “bother” – annoyances you simply can’t avoid. The key is to put the bothers in perspective, so you don’t lose sight […]

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Exploring exotic Ecuador

April 30, 2023

We had been warned about the shower. The proprietors of the Iguana Crossing Hotel on the sparsely populated island of Isabella in the Galapagos were proud of the system they’d implemented. The shower water would turn off every seven seconds, at which point you would have to press a button to restart it. Alternatively, you […]

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What does freedom mean to you?

April 14, 2023

The protests that have roiled Israel for months have been all about “dem-o-cra-tia.” Isn’t that another way of saying “freedom?”

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Redlines for reform

April 13, 2023

When our kids start talking about what their “redlines” are – changes that could take place in Israel that would make them reconsider their commitment to living here – I know something has gone seriously wrong.

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