War in Gaza

Jihad – Where religion and murder meet

December 17, 2023

Want to understand the war between Israel and Hamas. Sam Harris addresses the connection between religion, murder and jihad in his podcast.

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The memes of war

December 3, 2023

Since the war to eradicate Hamas in the Gaza Strip began, I’ve been collecting social media memes. Here are some of the most memorable.

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November 19, 2023

“Betrayal.” That’s how Shimrit Meir described her feelings following the surge of antisemitic speeches, letters, marches and violence since October 7.

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Are missiles messing with your love life?

November 5, 2023

As the initial shock recedes and the war proceeds apace, rockets remain a constant. And that’s messing with my love life. What else?

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Superheroes in the Middle East

October 20, 2023

As the events unfolded on Oct. 7, I found myself hoping that a superhero would intercede, as in Harry Turtledove’s alternative history.

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Palestine is not Ukraine

March 27, 2022

Gigi Hadid might be competent walking down the runway, but when it comes to expressing her views on international affairs, she’s in way over her lingerie.

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Israeli TV for my mom

February 28, 2022

My mother loves Israeli TV. She looks to me, her son in the Holy Land, for advice. So here are my top Israeli TV picks for mom.

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Meeting the enemy

July 7, 2019

“Why do you Israelis want to wipe us off the map?” The question wasn’t meant to be provocative. I was, after all, the first Israeli Zahra had ever met.

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About that Baka boom

May 28, 2018

I was in the shower when it happened: a boom louder than any I’ve heard since the suicide bomb at Café Hillel on Emek Refaim Street in 2003.

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Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty

November 30, 2014

When we made aliyah 20 years ago, did we come expecting that there would be war in our future? On a certain level, I suppose we knew that we were moving to a dangerous neighborhood and that conflict was probable. But we repressed that kind of thinking. You had to – why would we willingly […]

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