Living Through Terror

Jihad – Where religion and murder meet

December 17, 2023

Want to understand the war between Israel and Hamas. Sam Harris addresses the connection between religion, murder and jihad in his podcast.

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Are missiles messing with your love life?

November 5, 2023

As the initial shock recedes and the war proceeds apace, rockets remain a constant. And that’s messing with my love life. What else?

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Superheroes in the Middle East

October 20, 2023

As the events unfolded on Oct. 7, I found myself hoping that a superhero would intercede, as in Harry Turtledove’s alternative history.

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The legacy of Marla’s babies

July 31, 2022

Twenty years ago, our cousin Marla was killed in a suicide bombing at Hebrew University. Since then, more than 25 babies have been named after her.

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Israel is not a symbol

December 18, 2021

Israel, to much of the world, is a symbol rather than an actual place, and that’s preventing us from thinking out-of-the-box about solutions.

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Meeting the enemy

July 7, 2019

“Why do you Israelis want to wipe us off the map?” The question wasn’t meant to be provocative. I was, after all, the first Israeli Zahra had ever met.

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After Pittsburgh and Poway, is it time to make aliyah?

May 11, 2019

Thoughts after the synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh and Poway. In a world where no place is safe, where should you live?

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Under fire: a student in Sderot

September 3, 2018

My daughter Merav is a proud Zionist. But even Zionists get scared sometimes. And living in Sderot, there’s been a lot to be frightened of.

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A night in an Israeli hospital

December 7, 2017

I spent the night in the Emergency Room recently. I was expecting a nightmare. When it was all over, my verdict from my experience in the ER: surprisingly not bad.

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Lessons from The Leftovers: finding meaning in an ISIS-filled world

January 1, 2016

Two weeks ago, the HBO TV series The Leftovers completed its stunning second season. With its incessantly bleak tone, and ratings that were not much better, critics and fans called it “the best show on television you’re probably not watching.” But you ought to. Go out and binge watch all 20 episodes right now. Because […]

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