A coronavirus wake-up call

December 6, 2020

Have you had a covid scare in your family? Here’s our story. Please share your own in the comments. How will you get through pandemic winter?

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Covid-19’s silver linings

November 21, 2020

Can there be anything positive about Covid-19? Beyond the cliches of “more time for reflection?” Here are eight surprising benefits.

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Punctured on the way to a flu shot

November 8, 2020

It wasn’t just the needle that left a puncture when I went to my doctor to get a flu shot.  Until last week, I’d never gotten the vaccine for annual influenza before, mostly because, over the course of my 60 years, I’ve sailed through winters without getting particularly sick. But with Covid-19 literally in the […]

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The Covid-19 fertility crisis: a short story

October 25, 2020

The dystopian future if

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7 mantras to cope with challenging times

October 11, 2020

Seven mantras that can help cope with challenging times. Repeat and rinse, just like the dishes.

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How to not celebrate a birthday during corona

September 27, 2020

I wanted to skip my birthday this year in the midst of corona. Here’s how I transformed a singular birth date into a year-long, hopeful process.

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“We are both” – The blunder of binary thinking

July 5, 2020

Our brains may be hardwired towards a “binary bias” – this or that, happy or despondent. But DNA need not define our destiny. We can be both.

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Cancer is not magic

June 20, 2020

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I so much wanted to believe in magic. Not for a cure but that the cancer would transform me magically into someone new.

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When did your pandemic end?

June 7, 2020

Pandemics typically have two types of endings. The medical and the social, when the epidemic of fear about the disease wanes. Are we there?

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Your exit, not mine

May 10, 2020

With COVID restrictions in Israel easing, what happens when some of us can go out, while others are still at risk, even if the danger is dropping?

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