
Tuesday tiyulim and Wednesday walks: Prescription for a pandemic

January 31, 2021

With international travel off the table for the last year, Jody and I have been exploring what’s closer to home. 8 short treks near Jerusalem.

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How to not celebrate a birthday during corona

September 27, 2020

I wanted to skip my birthday this year in the midst of corona. Here’s how I transformed a singular birth date into a year-long, hopeful process.

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Cancer is not magic

June 20, 2020

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I so much wanted to believe in magic. Not for a cure but that the cancer would transform me magically into someone new.

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What’s on your travel bucket list?

February 15, 2020

Jody and I were supposed to go on vacation in Asia this week. The COVID-19 virus changed all that. Where on our bucket list should we go instead?

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Turning empty hotel rooms into “healing holidays”

September 17, 2018

“You look like you need a l’chaim,” the yeshiva bocher said to me, extending a plastic cup. “I can’t,” I responded. “But it’s Shabbos!”

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Transforming FOMO to JOMO on the road

April 7, 2017

FOMO is the “Fear of Missing Out.” The antidote: JOMO – “Joy of Missing Out.” But what’s ROMO? And how do you move from one to the other?

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When God offers you a raft, take it

November 16, 2016

My wife Jody and I recently spent a relaxing weekend at a small vacation bungalow in Poriah, a moshav overlooking the Sea of Galilee, with our friends David and Shelley. On Friday afternoon we had a few hours to kill before we needed to get ready for Shabbat and we wanted to go on a […]

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Re-entry syndrome and the five stages of aliyah

September 27, 2015

“It’s called re-entry syndrome,” my therapist friend Nomi explained to me as I was describing the difficulty I was having returning to Israel after our recent vacation abroad. “It happens to everyone.” It’s especially acute, she added, when you’ve just come from an especially polite country such as Norway, where we’d just spent two weeks […]

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Hitchhiking now and then

August 20, 2015

Exactly 30 years ago today, I was in a car with a group of German strangers on my way to a standing room only soccer match just outside what was then West Berlin. As part of a two-month trek across Europe, I was feeling young and adventurous when I decided to try hitchhiking. Getting to […]

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Tragedy in Nepal Brings Back Trekking Memories

October 31, 2014

The tragedy in Nepal two weeks ago, where 40 trekkers, including four Israelis, lost their lives in a sudden freak snowstorm along the well-traveled Annapurna route brought back a flood of memories from my own trip to the Nepalese Himalayas. In 2011, my family and I went hiking in the same Annapurna region, and, although […]

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