In the News

Jews are not white: Race and identity in Israel and the U.S.

November 21, 2021

Should Jews and Israelis be considered “white supremacists?” Are Jews from Arab countries “white?” If so, then who are the people of color?

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When cancel culture comes for you

November 10, 2021

When cancel culture comes for the Jews, it comes for all of us. Here are some times I was canceled in the past and what that means for the future

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Dysmorphia of the social body

October 24, 2021

“Body dysmorphic disorder” is real. But metaphorical religious, political and science “dysmorphias” affect not only the physical but the social body.

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Science denial and the wellness industry

October 10, 2021

Why are so many in the wellness industry opposed to basic science? Blame it on Louise Hay who proposed our thoughts create our physical reality

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11 ways to distinguish real from fake pandemic news

September 26, 2021

Amidst a torrent of pandemic misinformation, I’ve compiled a list of 11 ways to distinguish between real and fake pandemic news. Essential reading in confusing times!

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Biking the capital: An electrifying experience

September 11, 2021

When Jerusalem introduced rental bike stations across the capital, we had to give them a spin. My story of our e-bike trip to Ein Lavan.

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The narcissism of anti-vaxxers

August 29, 2021

Tim Wise describes anti-vaxxers as sociopathic, sadistic and homicidal. I call them narcissists, who see everything through the lens of “What’s in it for me?”

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When anti-vaxxers get Covid

August 15, 2021

Is it OK to have schadenfreude (the German expression for “pleasure derived from someone else’s misfortune”) when an anti-vaxxer contracts Covid-19? The Internet seems to think so.

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God and dinosaurs

June 5, 2021

Does Judaism believe that God planted fake dinosaur fossils in the earth to explain how dinosaurs could exist when the world is only 6,000 years old?

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“It’s so nice to see your face again”

May 23, 2021

“I almost didn’t recognize you without your mask,” Shifra said at the park while we were walking our dogs. Post-pandemic socializing returns!

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