Aviv’s Bar Mitzvah Blog Chronicles our Trip to Nepal

by Brian on July 28, 2011

in Travel

Tiyul #13 - at Rusape Falls in Nepal

This week, instead of my usual post, I’d like to point your attention to Aviv’s bar mitvah blog. You may have already been reading it – in the year leading up to his bar mitzvah, we undertook 12 tiyulim (hikes) all over Israel and Aviv blogged about each one.

Aviv’s blogs are both a straightforward chronicle of where we went (sometimes down to the color of the trail marker) and a collection of his pre-teen wit and insight. Above all, they are always charming; you can really get to know Aviv through his writing.

Following Aviv’s bar mitzvah in March, we headed off for the 13th and final tiyul of our series – a three-week family trip to Nepal (and 50th birthday celebration for me), where we spent 11 days hiking  the western leg of the fabled Annapurna circuit (and another 10 in Kathmandu and Mumbai, India).

As with the 12 tiyulim in Israel, Aviv wrote a wonderfully comprehensive blog on our adventures in the Himalayas. I then added pictures to match the text. It took me way too long – 3 entire months – to finish, but as of this week, Aviv’s blog is finally online.

It’s a pretty long blog, so I divided it into 2 parts, the first of which you by clicking here. Part 2 will go up next week.

Other than my summary blog on our trip as a whole, Aviv’s is the best diary of our journey. Aviv is a great storyteller – I am sure you will enjoy the ride.


BTW – if you’re a friend of mine on Facebook (if not, what are you waiting for!) you can see 450 more pictures from the trip (that was culled out of a total of more than 2,700).


In addition to Aviv’s blog posts (which are all here), I also wrote about our tiyulim with a slightly different, less linear take on the trips, focusing on a particular event that occurred. Here are links to those posts:

Tiyul #12 – Upper Nahal David (Nature’s Monkey Bars) on Israelity

Tiyul #11 – Park Rabin

Tiyul #9 and #10 – Amram’s Pillars and the Red Canyon (War over the Airwaves in Eilat)

Tiyul #8 – Mitzpeh Missua (a Prickly Surprise)

Tiyul #7 – Nahal Og (the Most Terrifying Tiyul)

Tiyul #6 – The Burma Road (Hit the Road on Sukkot) on Israelity

Tiyul #5 – Nahal Galim (Shearing Your Way Through the Carmel) on Israelity

Tiyul #4 – Neve Ilan (How to Hike in the Summer) on Israelity

Tiyul #3 – Har Shokef (Search for the Perfect Knafe) and a more detailed look (Getting Lost in the Carmel) on Israelity

Tiyul #2 – Nahal Katlav (Hidden Jem Near Bar Giora) on Israelity

Tiyul #1 – Hirbat Itab (on Israelity)

The blog that launched the year (on Israelity)

And two more from Nepal:

Spotting the Wild Israeli (in Nepal)

Sniffing for Chametz in India

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